Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Thing #8 RSS feed & Google Reader

I was relieved that they made a video for RSS feed, it sure made it easier for me to "see" what they were talking about with my own two eyes. Visual aides are very helpful since just about all of this stuff is really new to me!!!

Google reader is pretty cool, I liked being able to choose the news sites and any other sites "I"
want to view. This tool could be very helpful for Teachers and Coach's alike to be able to view info they have chosen and not have to go looking for it, such a current events and game scores.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Thing #7

I liked Igoogle, it was fun being able to choose just what you information you wanted and have instantly.(I have used it too see what is on at the local movie theater) Our students would enjoy being able to have instant access to sports info, movie theater info, any number of choices to put on their own Igoogle page.

I also liked google earth. I used this to look at my home, school, family,friends old address. This was fun seeing what it looks like from space. The space program has been in the news alot lately it would be a great tool for our students to look at places on this web site to see check out other countries that they are curious about what the terrain looks like.